Original Chemical Diet by Dr. Osama Hamdi – Complete Explanation and Successful Reviews

The chemical diet, also known as the “Chemical Weight Loss Diet,” is one of the effective methods for losing excess weight, a concern faced by many men and women. There are several important questions regarding this type of diet, such as: What does the chemical diet mean? How long does the chemical diet last? When do the results of the chemical diet start to show? These are some of the crucial questions that interest those seeking weight loss, slimming, and reduction.

To answer these questions, let’s explore together the chemical diet by Dr. Osama Hamdi. We will also present examples of the complete chemical diet and the proper chemical diet.

Please note that diets can have different effects on individuals, and it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss program.

What does chemical diet mean? – what is chemical diet

The chemical diet is one of the types of diet plans aimed at effective and rapid weight loss. This approach relies on controlling the chemical reactions that occur in the body as a result of food intake, ultimately leading to weight reduction.

This diet primarily centers around protein, often referred to as the “egg diet.” Normally, carbohydrates and fats provide the body with the necessary energy for daily activities. When these substances are consumed in small quantities, the body seeks alternative sources of energy.

At that point, the body starts using its stored fat reserves, burning them and converting them into the energy it requires for vital functions. Consequently, this aids in weight loss.

Chemical diet types

الرجيم الكيميائي الاصلي
الرجيم الكيميائي الاصلي – chemical diet

There are several main types of this diet, which are the original chemical diet, the fast chemical diet, and the three-day chemical diet.

The original chemical diet

  • The original chemical diet relies primarily on protein, followed by vegetables and fruits.
  • This diet significantly eliminates fats and sugars.
  • The duration of this diet is a full month.
  • The body can lose around 4.5 – 5 kilograms per week and 9-10 kilograms every 15 days, reaching a total of approximately 30 kilograms by the end of the month..

Fast chemical diet

  • The duration of this diet is one week, and it can be repeated, but on condition that the separation takes place for a period of several days.
  • This system helps  losing weight in short time
  • This diet relies solely on proteins, vegetables, and fruits.
  • The consumption of mangoes and bananas is prohibited in this diet.

The triple chemical diet – 3days chemical diet

  • The chemical diet lasts for 12 days, divided into four main periods, each lasting 3 days.
  • The first period consists of the first three days, where you can consume cucumbers in any quantity throughout the day.
  • The second period starts from the fourth day until the sixth day, and during this time, you can eat grilled or boiled vegetables throughout the day.
  • The third period starts from the seventh day until the ninth day, and you can eat any type of fruit in any quantity throughout the day.
  • The fourth period starts from the tenth day until the twelfth day, and during this time, you can consume any type of protein in any quantity.

Advantages of the correct chemical diet

  • This diet can lead to some complications if not implemented correctly.
  • The correct chemical diet relies on 90% nutrient-rich foods and 10% meats, oils, and dairy products.
  • It doesn’t completely ban fats but regulates their type and consumption method.
  • Dairy products contain calcium, which can be replaced with oranges that also have high calcium content but with fewer calories.
  • Beans, which contain substances that prevent fat absorption and aid in burning it, can be consumed.
  • Dinners in this diet consist of salads and vegetables.
  • The maximum recommended duration of following this diet should not exceed one month, and it’s advised not to continue it for more than that.
  • Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential.

Questions about the chemical diet – chemical diet information

How many kilos does the chemical diet lose?

The most common question regarding this diet is how many kilos does the chemical diet help you lose? The amount of weight loss depends on how your body responds, its condition, metabolism rate, and how strictly you follow the diet.

In general, results start to appear after the first week, and the body can lose around 5 kilograms per week. By the end of the month, the body can lose approximately 20 kilograms, and in some cases, people have lost around 30 kilograms or more.

When will the results of the chemical diet appear?

The results of this diet start to show from the first week, where the body loses around 5 kilograms. After the second week, the body loses another 5 kilograms, making it a total of 10 kilograms in two weeks. By the end of the third week, the body loses around 5 more kilograms, reaching a total of 15 kilograms lost.

By the end of the month, the body can lose approximately 20 kilograms or even slightly more or less, depending on the body’s individual condition as we mentioned before. These results become evident and visible when following the instructions of this diet diligently.

Chemical diet Osama Hamdy – chemical diet osama hamdy

Dr. Osama Hamdy is an Egyptian physician specialized in diabetes and obesity. He has devised a suitable dietary system for diabetes patients to help them lose weight and improve their overall health, where:

  • This diet has greatly helped many diabetes patients to lose a significant amount of weight and live a healthy life afterward.
  • Dr. Osama Hamdy’s chemical diet aids in losing 20 kilograms.
  • Osama Hamdy provides medical advice for a better healthy life.Presented by Dr. Osama Hamdy  chemical diet book He talks in detail about this accursed.

Chemical diet schedule by Dr. Osama Hamdy – chemical diet plan

The first week – chemical diet plan first week

today the breakfast the lunch dinner
First day 1: 2 eggs + half a grapefruit or orange fruit Sliced beef or grilled chicken
the second day   1: 2 eggs + half a grapefruit or orange Grilled skinless chicken + tomato + small orange 2 eggs + vegetable salad + toast or whole grain bread + orange
the third day Same breakfast Cheese + toast or wholegrain bread + a small tomato Slices of beef or grilled chicken
the fourth day Same breakfast fruit Grilled meat + vegetable salad
The fifth day Same breakfast Eggs + a plate of boiled vegetables (carrots, green peas, zucchini) Vegetables salad
the sixth day Same breakfast fruit Grilled meat + vegetable salad
the seventh day Same breakfast Grilled chicken meat + vegetable salad + orange Boiled vegetable dish

The second week – chemical diet plan second week

Breakfast as in the first week of 1: 2 eggs + half a grapefruit or an orange.

today the lunch dinner
First day Beef slices or grilled chicken + vegetable salad 1: 2 boiled eggs + half a grapefruit or orange
the second day Like the day before Like the day before
the third day Like the day before Like the day before
the fourth day Boiled eggs + natural cheese, vegetables Boiled eggs
The fifth day Grilled fish “You can use any method apart from browning” Boiled eggs
the sixth day Grilled steak + tomato + orange Fruit salad (tangerine – orange – watermelon – peach)
the seventh day Slices of beef or grilled chicken Beef + a plate of boiled vegetables + tomatoes + orange

Third week – chemical diet plan third week

today Breakfast, lunch and dinner
First day fruit
the second day fruit
the third day Sauteed vegetables (steamed) or without cooking
the fourth day Fish + vegetables + cabbage salad
The fifth day Beef + vegetables
the sixth day fruit
the seventh day fruit

Fourth week – chemical diet plan fourth week

today These meals can be taken and arranged throughout the day as desired
First day Half grilled chicken + 4 cucumbers + 4 tomatoes + orange
the second day 200 grams of boiled chicken
2 toast or the equivalent of whole grain bread
4 cucumber units + 4 fruits of tomatoes + orange
Fruit salad (orange, watermelon, peach, pear)
the third day A spoonful of curd cheese + boiled vegetables + 2 tomatoes
2 cucumbers + orange or grapefruit.
the fourth day Half boiled chicken + one cucumber + 3 tomatoes + one fruit
The fifth day Boiled eggs + lettuce + 3 tomatoes + 2 oranges
the sixth day     Boiled chicken breast + 2 tomatoes + 2 cucumbers
120 grams of curd cheese + yogurt + grapefruit
Toast or whole grain bread
the seventh day A spoonful of curd cheese + boiled vegetables + drained tuna without oil
Cucumber + tomato + orange

Chemical diet damage

There are some damages caused by the chemical diet, including:

  • The chemical diet may cause a decrease in blood pressure at times.
  • Sometimes, it leads to dizziness, lightheadedness, and fatigue.
  • This diet is not suitable for patients with liver or kidney conditions as it can cause dysfunction in these organs.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as individuals with immune-related disorders, should avoid this diet.
  • To achieve clear results, it’s crucial to follow the diet meticulously.
  • Following this diet may initially trigger feelings of hunger.
  • If any allowed food item is removed from the diet, it cannot be replaced with another type.
  • It is essential to consult a doctor before starting this diet to ensure there are no health issues that prevent its adoption.

Successful chemical diet experiences – chemical diet reviews

People who have tried this diet share their successful experiences through social media. Here is a random sample of individuals who have been helped by the diet to lose weight.

The first experiment:

I’ve been following this diet for a long time, and I used to do about half an hour of exercise on the elliptical machine along with it. I did it for just two weeks, and I managed to lose around 8 kilograms. Honestly, it was incredible how the fat just melted away. But now, to be honest, I can’t continue with it anymore. The chemical diet experience.

The second experiment:

Dr. Osama Hamdy’s diet is well-known for being really sweet and excellent. My specialist, who I’ve been following up with, recommended it to me. She told me to stick with it for two weeks, and now I’m seeing really great results. The chemical diet experience.

Third experiment:

I swear, guys, I’m currently on the chemical diet, and I feel it’s fantastic! But you gotta stick to it exactly as the doctor or specialist prescribes. If you do that, you’ll see excellent results soon. I’ve already lost 2 kilograms with this diet, and honestly, I think it’s a reasonable amount for two weeks. It’s tough to lose more than that. Our health is the most important thing after all. The chemical diet experience.

Fourth experiment:
A group of young people share their experiences with the chemical diet and express their satisfaction with it. A guy in his thirties says, “I tried the chemical diet and managed to lose 2 kilograms in just two weeks. That’s a fast result compared to other methods I’ve tried before. So, I recommend everyone to give the chemical diet a shot, but they should consult a specialized doctor and follow all the instructions to get the desired outcome.

Fifth experiment:

One of the girls had a successful experience with the chemical diet and shares her story, saying, “My experience with the chemical diet was fantastic. Along with it, I was regularly exercising, and in just two weeks, I managed to lose 8 kilograms of weight while keeping my health in good condition.

Sixth experiment:

Another girl in her mid-twenties shares her experience with the chemical diet, saying that she spent the first three days eating only apples and drinking water. Then, for the next three days, she only consumed vegetables. After that, for the following three days, she restricted her diet to meat. She repeated this pattern for a whole month and managed to lose her excess weight. However, she noticed that her skin lost its radiance, and her hair started falling out, which caused her to feel mentally upset. As a result, she decided to stop following the diet.

Important note: It is essential to mention that these experiences were successful, and the individuals were able to lose weight and get rid of excess weight due to strict adherence to the diet plan mentioned earlier. They also consumed large amounts of water and the magical detox drink.

How do I prove my weight after the chemical diet?

It is advisable to follow a suitable diet plan for each individual, containing the number of calories they need based on their age, weight, height, and daily activities. This can be determined with the help of a doctor. Additionally, it is recommended not to overindulge in foods rich in fats and sugars, and to stick to a very small amount of them.

Many people wonder how to maintain their weight after the chemical diet and what comes after the chemical diet. To answer this question, some individuals may experience weight gain after stopping the diet, which lasts for a month. The reason behind this is not following a healthy and balanced diet. Any diet plan should include the necessary nutrients that the body needs.


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